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Posts posted by Johny

  1. The new regulations for English language testing are unfair and UPHD is the only organisation to oppose them from the start.

    The regulations are wrong because:
    * complex written tests are not necessary for the job. Oral tests are good enough if there must be testing at all. 
    * £200 per test is another money scam in addition to topography tests which are not properly managed by TfL
    * Retrospective testing is unfair to people who have been doing the job for years. Is it fair you could lose the license you have had for years and your livelihood over these new tests? 
    * TfL never showed the need for regulation, its own independent assessment found no public demand for testing. 

    Make you voice heard. This is no more than unfair capping through the backdoor. We want a cap through the front door and fair pay protections.




  2. Saturday night uber system crashed and guess what, now I have 3 jobs missing and after 3 replies from Uber I got the same message over and over


    Thanks for writing in. Sometimes trips can take a little while to reflect in the system and on your dashboard. This can happen if we are having database issues. However I can assure you that the journeys are never lost; they are always found and reallocated by the engineers in time. I suggest you take a look in the next couple of days and you should see the trip there.

    Please let me know if this is not the case and I'll be happy to take a look into it for you!



    This is real bullshit, same message every time. Looks like automated response, before they used to fix in less than 24 hours and now they are talking in days!!!


    WTF UBER???

  3. Hi there guys,


    Doesn't feel a bit strange because there is not so much negativity towards uber on the uberpeople.net forum.

    Every time I tried to point some very disturbing points with proofs, my posts get deleted.

    THe last one was with the fare adjustments topic, how drivers are mislead every week.

    GUess what, my topic removed after 15 minutes!!!!

    Be Aware uberpeople.net is uber's property , total control and manipulation!!!




    dodgie uber.jpg
