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directx last won the day on July 23 2015

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About directx

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  1. is very hard to pass topographic test these days, did you do it?
  2. You can not do that all the time, is impossible to check every ride
  3. MAY-JULY will be ok mate, work hard and then relax in August. Sept will start picking up again until DEC and so on...
  4. Why would you spend so much money for a car and destroy using it for UberX?? what is in the head of those drivers?? Why is Uber allowing this? There is no difference now between exec and x, customers have 40% chances to get a 5 series or E class when choosing X, what a joke
  5. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/mayor/london-mayoral-elections-sadiq-khan-poised-to-win-city-hall-race-final-poll-shows-a3240481.html#gallery
  6. What is your plan for the world cup period guys, some hope for good jobs?
  7. I think you can use it just this year mate, but if youre ready to invest in a 59 plate, how much will be extra for an 11 plate? Have you consider i40 Hyundai??
  8. update- after a deep calculations and analysis i realise that uber was refunding customers from their money, i was paid in full for every fare adjustment...so, well done Uber
  9. OMG This is just an example guys: £48 off my payment from one job Alan Invoice issued by Uber B.V. on behalf of: xxxxxxxxxxxx London United Kingdom Invoice Number: KOSA-xxxxxxxxxxxxx Invoice Date: 23 January 2015 Tax Point Date Description Tax Amount Net Amount 18 Jan 2015 Transportation service Adjusted Fare — 35.19 GBP 18 Jan 2015 Credit for Invoice KOSA-03-2015-0000040 — -48.75 GBP Total Net -13.56 GBP Gross Amount -13.56 GBP I checked all the fares from Jan and it comes more than £200 until now from fare adjustments I sent them an email, waiting for reply... Dont ignore it, many thanks for this post otherwise i will never had any idea.
  10. less and less drivers seems to care about their ratings these days, is directly connected with their happiness. if your are not happy with the income how can u care about the rating if you're not making money. Is like worrying about the skin burn when outside is raining all day, it doesn't matter how good our skin lotion it is if is raining )
  11. I know mate,20% commission was like you said similar with the extra income from the surge, so it was perfect, didn't felt that much the commission but these days 25% is a lot because the surge extra income is around 7% so we lose 18% these days every month!! Very hard indeed
  12. yes mate, i heard the same, although i never received the email but some others received it, dont know what to say, i will go with the flow for the moment. Regarding cars, the list is accurate, but Lued is right, better check before feeling sorry, welcome to our community mate
  13. u should smell his pants as well mate, what are you?? some kinda of freak