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About CalvinCabbie

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  1. I know the feeling. It’s almost as if some people can’t read. Try not to let it get to you too much. After all, you’ll soon have another paying customer to deal with.
  2. This is some exciting news. I’ve been interested in electric cards for some time. I can’t wait until I can be free from the gas pump.
  3. This is important especially for Uber drivers. Since you’re drinking a lot in the city. City driving can be difficult on an engine. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to preventative maintenance.
  4. Both fuel efficacy and space are the two big concerns that I have. I want to make sure that my passengers have plenty of room. But, I also don’t want to spend up all of my earnings on fuel.
  5. I don’t want to seem too pushy. But, a tip would be nice. How can I go about it without seeming pushy. But, also the rider knowing I’d like a tip.