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  1. Hi all, I’m writing from Clover Films, a multi-award-winning documentary production company based near London. Our international films have won over thirty major honours in the last decade, including several Emmys, ‘broadcast Pulitzers’, Peabodys etc (clover-films.com). We're working on a documentary which will highlight just how many amazing people there are behind the wheel. We've met many Uber drivers with incredible stories to share. Many are immigrants or refugees who have overcome terrible hardships and done amazing things since coming to the UK. For example, one driver is also a jazz pianist from South Africa who has saved up enough from Uber driving to set up a jazz school for disadvantaged kids. Another is an award-winning journalist from Afghanistan who drives when he is not in the field reporting. If you think your story could do well on TV, or you know anyone who might be right for this show, please let me know by emailing me at adrien@clover-films.com! Best wishes, Adrien