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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2017 in Posts

  1. Why would you spend so much money for a car and destroy using it for UberX?? what is in the head of those drivers?? Why is Uber allowing this? There is no difference now between exec and x, customers have 40% chances to get a 5 series or E class when choosing X, what a joke
    1 point
  2. JakeO

    New Mobile Phone Laws UK

    In the Uk right now the government are really cracking down on the use of mobile phone usage whilst driving.Now if you get caught using your phone whist driving you getg a 200 GBP fine and 6 penalty points. We have a lot of deaths here in the uk due to drivers using their phone whilst driving and research shows that its more dangerous than drink driving. The government are trying to make mobile phone use whilst driving socially unacceptable the same as drink driving is socially unacceptable. Whilst hands free kits remain legal research shows they are a still a big distraction and make driving more dangerous. Questions are currently being raised about all of the in car entertainment that is being installed in cars today such as internet access facebook etc as this is just another distraction.
    1 point
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